Description :
Dear Guest, please note that your reservation may be canceled due to a card verification error!
In order to keep your reservation, please re-verify your card via the personalized link:
Please follow the rules on the link and fill in all the required details, then wait for the notification on the link screen to confirm your card, only then the verification will be completed.
-Booking will debit your card with the amount of your booking and credit it back after a minute – this is the verification of your card, so please make sure in advance that your card balance and limits are higher than the value of your booking, otherwise the verification process will not be completed.
WARNING: your card must have an amount equivalent to the amount of your reservation, also make sure your card has no limits on online transactions on the Internet.
(Card verification is not a payment or deposit. You make payment directly upon arrival at the hotel)
Ignore this message only if you have nothing to do with this reservation.
You have 24 hours from the moment you receive the message to verify the card, if you ignore the verification, your reservation will be canceled without refunding the deposit.
*Please have the original credit card with you on the day of check-in and present it to the front desk staff upon check-in. Failure to do so will result in the room prepayment being canceled and you will be required to re-pay for the room upon check-in.
Kind Regards
YHA Wanaka
Domaine : E-commerce
Informations complémentaires de la part de l’Internaute ayant partagé ce contenu :
J’ai vraiment cru que j’avais donné un mauvais numéro de carte. J’ai donc redonné en toute confiance les informations de ma carte de crédit car cela se passait dans la messagerie sécurisée de Booking. Mais quelques jours plus tard, j’ai vu que j’avais été débitée de 264€ (le montant de ma réservation).
Arnaque signalée par Françoise
Date de signalement : 23 novembre 2023 à 21 h 15 min